We had a fun, if wet, weekend. There is a great marionette theater near us. This is the 2nd time That Grace and I have been. She made it almost all the way through the show (Beauty and the Beast -- 1 hour) before we had to go to the back to stretch our legs. She talked (signed) about the music more than anything.

We got wet leaving the theater and coming home.
That Grace has been working with an early interventionist because she has not been talking very much. Miss Meagan came today and that Grace must have said 40 new words today alone. It's like the flood gates have finally opened. I won't say she's a chatterbox but she's getting there. You should hear her say "Dah-dee." It is so sweet, melts her daddy's heart, of course.
Here are some more:
boo = blue
see see=Sweetie
On a related note, she loves the song, "The Wheels on the Bus." So tonight we were all sitting on the sofa singing it (Caroline was at MYF) and Rob says, "What does Mommy say?" That Grace responds, "shh, shh, shh." Then he says, "What does Daddy say?" Her reply? "Oookaaay." So, I try to change the song to, "The mommies on the bus say, I love you." She just stood on the couch shaking her head no and saying, "shh, shh, shh."