All dressed up for church. We had communion this Sunday. Last time we had communion, she didn't respond to it well. She spit out the bread and Daddy had to offer it to her several times before she took it. She has a "slow to warm up" personality. This time, as we were walking toward the front of the sanctuary, I told her we were going to get bread and eat it and told her to watch the other people. She did the sign for eat, so I felt like she understood. Sure enough, when we got to the front, she even let the pastor give her the bread.

After church -- eating corn on the cob. This was so funny. Speaking of being slow to warm up. This was the 1st time she had ever eaten corn on the cob. She has gotten to the age where she does not like to eat with her hands. She is getting really proficient with utensils and prefers them.
Remembering our communion experience, I told her she was supposed to eat it with her fingers and demonstrated it. She wouldn't touch it at first. She let it sit there for a long time. Then she leaned over and without touching it, tried to take a bite of it. Finally, she picked it up and then she really got into it.