It's been a busy few days. When I said the time change hadn't interrupted That Grace's schedule too much, I spoke too soon. She has been getting up at 6:30 - 7:00 in the morning lately. Normally she sleeps until 8:30 or so. This means an earlier nap and an earlier bedtime and just in general a complete upheaval of our previously smooth schedule.

On Wednesday we bought
acorn squash to cook for our Thanksgiving Feast with The Moms on Thursday. We saved the seeds and roasted them like pumpkin seeds. They're very similar in taste.

After cooking, we loaded up in the wagon and walked down to our neighbor's house to play. She has twins, A, a boy, and B, a girl. They are such sweeties -- and just turned 2.

Thursday was our Thanksgiving Feast with The Moms. That Grace loves playing with other children but I have to watch her very closely, as she can get a little aggressive. It's odd because she is so sweet and so mild mannered in every other way. She's really an easy baby, but she will hit. And the other day she bit me.

Another neighbor whose daughters are in our Tot Class had a birthday party for the girls today. That Grace loved the big bouncy apparatus. She couldn't stand up in it very well but she enjoyed sitting in it and bouncing. She also loved it when the other kids would bounce near her. She got very excited and wanted to hit for some reason (I think it may have just been excited arm flailing). I talked to her about it and afterwards when someone came near her, she would look at me and do the "gentle hands" sign. She had a really difficult afternoon, though. I don't think she handles birthday cake very well.
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