We didn't have any activities or outings planned today, so we spent most of the day relaxing at home. It was a nice change of pace. We made pumpkin spice play dough. That Grace loves play dough and it's a rare day that she doesn't ask to play with it. We made this just by adding pumpkin pie spice and orange food coloring to a regular play dough recipe. You can't see it in this picture, but is has little flecks of spice all throughout and it smells divine. She's getting better about not eating it but I still catch her trying to sneak a bite every now and then. Then she takes her hand and rubs it over her tongue, which is her sign for "don't eat it."

The Moms are planning to go bowling next week, but I think That Grace is a little young for that, so we're not going. However, we decided to set up our own game of bowling with some empty soda bottles and a ball. That Grace has her own way of playing, though. She throws the ball and then runs over and knocks the bottles down with her hands. And then she claps.

We did run out for a few groceries today. That Grace always helps carry in the groceries. It's her job to put away the canned goods. First, though, she has to run to the fence and show Sweetie the Dog what we got at the store.