I've been meaning to introduce banana slicing for a while and finally got around to it this morning. She did great with it. She is becoming so self-sufficient. It's sad in a way, but also very exciting to watch her develop. She can climb into the car and car seat by herself. She can buckle the chest strap but not the buckle at the bottom. She's getting proficient at pouring her drinks, but it can be painful to watch. Sometimes I just have to look away and remind myself, "Mistakes are how we learn!" She works so hard at it. It is just amazing to see the concentration on her face.

Tonight while she was "helping Mommy cook" she started throwing things from her chair. I overlook a lot during the late afternoon/early evening -- it's always a difficult time for everyone but this was just really intentional. I turned to her and said (in a firm but kind voice), "If you throw anything else, you will not be able to stay in here with Mommy." Apparently, that would be a horrible fate, because she straightened up immediately. Another issue we have had lately is her kicking me while I change her diaper. I know, it's just one more reason we need to focus more on potty training. Anyway, I don't really like to use rewards or punishment, so I try to stay away from time-out and so forth. What I will do is enforce my boundaries. When she kicks me, I tell her, "That hurts. I don't like it. If you kick again, Mommy will leave the room" which involves going into my room and shutting the door, with her in the hall. After about 30 seconds, I open the door and ask, "Are you going to use your gentle hands?" and she'll reach out and softly stroke my arm. I've had to do that twice over a couple of days and now just the threat of "leaving the room" is enough to get her to quit beating up on me!

Rob had to go to church tonight to make dinner for Sonshine Kids and Caroline was at MYF so That Grace and I were alone for supper. The weather was beautiful today but it's supposed to turn cold and rainy the rest of the week, so we decided to enjoy this evening and eat outside. We took a walk before we started cooking supper and I put the harness on That Grace because she does not like the stroller. She always wants to walk. It's really cute. It looks like a bunny shaped backpack. Or at least to me it looks like a bunny shaped backpack. Apparently to every other kid, it looks like a leash. The first time she wore it, this boy, about 10, said, "Oh, wow, that is so cool!" I thought, "See, it's not so bad." Then he said, "You've got a leash on your baby -- like a dog!" Great. So, tonight, the little girl across the street said, "Why is your baby wearing that?"
I have to say, I like the leash, I mean, harness. At least she has some freedom and is getting some exercise, which she wouldn't in a stroller.
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