My mom came to visit not too long ago and brought some extra calendars. I picked one out and sent the rest back home with her. After she left, I realized that I already had a calendar and didn't need another one (part of my ongoing war with clutter). I decided to keep it anyway because it had gorgeous pictures of wildlife. I cut it apart and make
the matching picture activity from itty bitty love. Basically, I cut apart the calendar and then cut out the little thumbnail pictures on the back and covered it all with contact paper. The object of the activity is to match the little picture to the big picture. I thought That Grace might be a little young to do all 12 so I only put out 4 to start with. She did those with ease and begged for more, so I put out all 12 and handed her the little cards. She did great and apparently enjoyed it, because she kept signing "more" when I tried to put it away. We'll probably do some more of these. I didn't get the Velcro dots put on but I think that will add another point of interest.

Tea Party!
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