that grace: Weekend Fun + A Scary Incident

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Weekend Fun + A Scary Incident

Reading to her babies in Daddy's chair. She has all of her back issues of Babybug up there. Check out that hair. No, I'm not trimming it. I put it up during the day. It's fine.

Putting on a finger puppet show, mostly consisting of throwing the finger puppets though the stage, at the audience. Ha, break a leg!

Eating crackers with a fork. We tried to explain that crackers are finger food and therefore quite correctly eaten with the fingers, but she insisted.

This was after I put some of our food on her plate and cut it up. She's definitely at the imitating stage.

Shortly after this was taken, she finished eating and we gave her Rob's glass with the last little bit of (iced) tea in it to drink. She finished the tea and started chewing on the ice. She loves to eat ice. I heard her making a noise and looked over and she was choking. It wasn't just a matter of something going down wrong -- that happens all the time. She really was not able to breathe. I grabbed her up and handed her to Rob and he flipped her over and kind of pulled up on her stomach and pounded on her back, then flipped her back up to see if she was okay. Nope, she still couldn't breathe. He did that several more times before she was finally able to get a good breath and start screaming. And scream she did. A sweeter sound has never been heard. I took her outside to calm down. As hysterical as she was, she managed to wave to another toddler on the way out. She seemed to be over the whole incident by the time we got in the car and headed home. We will say a few extra "thank you" prayers tonight.

Last night, I finally got around to embroidering a place setting place mat for That Grace. She had a lot of fun carefully putting her little dishes in the outlines.

1 comment:

SaucyMomOf3 said...

That is incredibly scary! I'm so glad that she's okay. Ander and Bella love ice too!