that grace: Dinner with Friends (or Cooking in Underwear)

Friday, January 9, 2009

Dinner with Friends (or Cooking in Underwear)

This is the reason baby blogs have a limited lifespan.

We had some friends over for dinner last night. Don't worry, I limited That Grace's helping to non food items. I'm glad she is becoming more hospitable. She didn't lie on the floor and cry when she saw them like she has done with other people. After dinner, she even played with them some (if taking them a book and insisting they read it to her is playing).

Yesterday, I was watching That Grace play on my bed. She was sitting on top of it with her baby. She reached down and covered up her baby and then held up her arms and shrugged her shoulders, as if to say, "Where's the baby?"

We have a laundry sorter in our room and she loves to get in it and hide while we say, "where's the baby? Where's mommy's baby? Where's That Grace?" Then she jumps out and we cry, "There she is!" so I guess she was playing this game with her baby.

She also brought her play orange juice carton over to her table, slammed it down, sat down in her chair and slapped her hands together to say the blessing. Her pretend play is getting more complex these days and I'm starting to see a lot of our daily life reflected in it (not that we slam orange juice down on the table).

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